Engineers for Marine Environment, Foreshore, Harbour, Breakwater, Jetty & Pier, Riverbank and Coastal / Civil Engineering in Victoria, Australia

Engineers for marine and foreshore environments

Australian Project Solutions - Coastal and marine engineers in victoria

Australian Project Solutions - harbour constructions and boat ramps

Construction and rehabilitation
of coastal and marine works,
waste management infrastructure
facilities and other general marine,
environmental and civil projects.

beach and foreshore construction




Engineers for marine and foreshore environments

Australian Project Solutions - marine work in Victoria

Australian Project Solutions - breakwaters and Marinas

Australian Project Solutions - marine work in Victoria


Riverbank Stabilisation

Stabilisation of riverbanks is an important aspect of a rivers healthy life.  Stabilisation of riverbanks ensure erosion is kept in check and also provides for rivers to flow at their optimum flow rate. APS has performed numerous river bank protection works for both public and private clients.

barwon #4 yarra-2011-1 Marib #2

Please review some of the project we have completed in this area.

Projects in this section:

Barwon Heads 2001-2004,   Barwon River 2004,   Maribynong River 2002,   Yarra River-2001,   Yarra River 2011,   Yarra River 2009

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You found us using: Australian marine engineerers, Australia, Melbourne, Foreshore engineers, Marine Construction Melbourne,
Construction of Harbours Victoria, Breakwaters, River banks, Environmental Construction, Jetty victoria, Jetties victoria, Piles, dredge, dredging victoria,

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