Engineers for Marine Environment, Foreshore, Harbour, Breakwater, Jetty & Pier, Riverbank and Coastal / Civil Engineering in Victoria, Australia

Engineers for marine and foreshore environments

Australian Project Solutions - Coastal and marine engineers in victoria

Australian Project Solutions - harbour constructions and boat ramps

Construction and rehabilitation
of coastal and marine works,
waste management infrastructure
facilities and other general marine,
environmental and civil projects.

beach and foreshore construction










Occupational Health & Safety

Australian Project Solutions Pty Ltd (APS) recognizes its moral and legal responsibilities under occupational health and safety (OH&S) legislation to provide a safe and healthy work environment.

This commitment means that APS will:

    • provide a safe and healthy workplace and working conditions for all staff, subcontractors, and visitors.
    • provide training to enable all employees to work safely.
    • comply with all relevant legislation and industry standards.
    • provide support and assistance to employees.
    • consult with staff and subcontractors where relevant to enhance the effectiveness of procedures.
    • provide adequate resources to aid employees in fulfilling their responsibilities.
    • conduct investigations into all reported incidents and near misses.
    • ensure that appropriate return to work programs are in place.
    • conduct regular reviews and evaluations of the health and safety systems in place.
    • Reinforce that all employees – irrespective of their position – will:
        • take reasonable care to ensure good health and safety procedures are implemented at all times
        • identify and support measures to stop and eliminate unsafe conditions
        • assume personal responsibility for their own safety and for those of other work colleagues by always operating in a safe and appropriate manner.

APS will allocate the appropriate human, financial and other resources required to continually improve and develop its safety program and achieve industry best practice and the highest standard. 




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You found us using: Australian marine engineerers, Australia, Melbourne, Foreshore engineers, Marine Construction Melbourne,
Construction of Harbours Victoria, Breakwaters, River banks, Environmental Construction, Jetty victoria, Jetties victoria, Piles, dredge, dredging victoria,




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